Gearing Up for NYE 2018

New Year’s Eve is the biggest event of the year, but it’s also the most competitive. A lot of venues start selling tier 1 tickets as early as late September, and sell out of those tier 1 tickets by end of October. That’s why it’s important to get a head start and get...

Tutorial: Getting Set Up on ID Scanning

We’re excited to have you as a Vēmos – ID Scan customer! Either watch the video below to follow step-by-step instructions on getting your devices up and running, or follow these instructions. For 24/7 technical support, please call 612-928-2334. This will...

Reduce Your Liability

Checking IDs isn’t the most exciting or sexy part of owning a nightclub or bar. But it is a requirement and can also be a huge asset to your venue. Rather than thinking about it as a way of crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s, think of it an extra way to reduce...