Marketing, Talent, or Timing: What’s to Blame?

Your event is coming up, but ticket sales aren’t going according to plan. How do you know if it’s due to a lack of marketing, bad timing, or the wrong talent? That’s the million dollar question for marketers and event organizers alike. While there’s no...

How to Provide Personal Experiences

In last week’s blog, we talked about promotions that drive millennials. Two of the biggest takeaways were 1) millennials prioritize experiences over anything else, and 2) they expect personalization. The bad news is the nightlife industry is dwindling in they eyes of...

How To Excel Your Venue Using Past Results

The key to measuring the success of your venue is by knowing exactly how you’re performing. Yet, many venues I talk with don’t know their numbers. How much revenue did you earn over the past month? Which days are your busiest? What times are your busiest? Which...