Checking IDs is commonly considered a necessary evil of serving alcohol. It’s not sexy. It’s not exciting. It’s a nuisance. But this nuisance is actually a huge asset to your nightclub, especially with the right technology. It’s no longer a matter of crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s. Using advanced technology to check IDs is the new way to protect your club while driving profit.


The Legal Aspect

More than 250 ID changes are made annually in the United States alone, and the creation of fraudulent IDs will continue to advance. This is a deadly combination. It’s neither smart nor fair to leave the burden of identifying outdated or fraudulent IDs with your doormen. Once a minor is approved and served, litigation may be right around the corner.

While legal repercussions vary by state and circumstances, the license holder found in violation of alcohol furnishing laws can receive anything from a fine to a suspension to a revocation of the liquor license. This liability begins with the first drink. It doesn’t matter whether or not a minor exhibits signs of intoxication, if there’s alcohol in the blood system, then your nightclub is liable. And should your license get revoked, you’ll have to wait at least six months before you can apply for another, which will likely be more difficult and costly due to the revocation on your record.


Maintain a Secure Environment

Not only can electronic ID scanning systems deter minors from entering your club, but they can also mitigate risks associated with unlawful incidents. Advanced ID scanning systems have the functionality to:

    • Keep track of people who might become too intoxicated, start fights or commit other crimes.
    • Identify involved parties, including staff, when an incident occurs.
    • Provide past incident information to help make more educated decisions on who does and doesn’t get into your club.

Maintaining a secure environment minimizes costs associated with insurance, repairs, fines, and enforcement. What’s more is it provides an enjoyable atmosphere for your patrons, which translates to a more profitable establishment.


Improve Customer Relationships

Better data means better business, and better business starts with great customer service. The more you know about your customers, the better you can communicate with them and develop lasting relationships. Electronic ID scanners allow you to collect information in the blink of an eye, such as customer demographics, frequency of visits, male to female ratio, and customer contact information. This information leads to better communication, management and, ultimately, profit.


​Whitney Larson is the President at Vēmos. Contact her at