The Reason Most Promoters Fail is Simple

Promoters have the opportunity to be wildly successful. With the freedom to host events without worrying about monthly building costs and daily staffing issues, there’s no reason for each event not to be profitable. Yet, most promoters fail and end up losing money on...
Tips for New Year’s Eve

Tips for New Year’s Eve

If you haven’t yet, set up your event in your Vēmos dashboard and start selling tickets. Some NYE parties have already sold out of their tier 1 early bird tickets and are on to tier 2. This is a great way to add urgency, pre-sell your event out early, and get...
Gearing Up for New Year’s Eve

Gearing Up for New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is the biggest event of the year, but it’s also the most competitive. That’s why it’s important to get a head start and get your event planned out so you can have a successful and profitable night. Follow these 9 tips to ensure a successful New Year’s...

5 Marketing Tips to Get Better Engagement

I see it all the time: venues spending their money on mass marketing efforts, blasting vague messages to a broad range of people who may or may not be their customers. All because they don’t know who their customers are, what their objectives are, or how to use the...