by renz | Jun 14, 2017 | Blog, Operations, Technology
Bottle service has been around for decades as a way to attract high-status patrons and earn high, fast-growing revenue. It’s also become such a standard component to the nightlife scene that many venues treat it as a mandatory guideline rather than a premiere service...
by renz | May 25, 2017 | Blog, Operations, Sales, Technology
Events are a great way for nightclubs to pre-sell revenue and offer an exciting experience to guests. But there are many factors that go into making sure your event is a success, a large one being event promotion and selling tickets. Ticketing companies are a dime a...
by renz | May 17, 2017 | Blog, Marketing, Operations, Technology
How many customers do you have that attended your venue once or twice, but haven’t returned? Or how about customers that attended often in the past, but don’t frequent as much? Chances are you have a lot of these customers, whether you’re aware of it or not. Not...
by renz | May 12, 2017 | Blog, Data, Marketing, Operations
In last week’s blog, we talked about promotions that drive millennials. Two of the biggest takeaways were 1) millennials prioritize experiences over anything else, and 2) they expect personalization. The bad news is the nightlife industry is dwindling in they eyes of...