Your event is important to the success of your night, and that goes well beyond just selling tickets. You have a bar to run, staff to manage, expenses to cover. Selling tickets is just the preliminary step to ensuring a successful turnout. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re ticketing system is setting your entire night up for success.

Here are the top 5 things your ticketing system should allow you to do.

1. Go Beyond Registration

Most ticketing companies are simply a registration system. They allow people to buy a ticket for your event, and then their offerings end there. They don’t help you connect the dots of what brought your customer to buy a ticket, what time they arrived, what they bought once they got into your event, and how you can retarget that customer in the future.

Instead, use a ticket system that goes beyond registration. This means following your customer’s journey before, during, and after they walk through your door, and having the tools at your disposal to also manage your event operations.


2. Keep Customers on Your Site

A customer comes to your website to buy a ticket. They click that “buy” button and are now redirected to the ticketing company’s website. You’ve now lost that customer’s browsing data, your brand is out of sight, and they’re now getting messages to register for competing events on your event page. Does this sound like the right experience to you?

Stop redirecting your customers to a different company. Use a ticketing system that functions on your own website without their branding being present. That way, your customers will always feel like they’re purchasing directly from you, and you get to fully control the experience. After all, experience is the first step to creating loyalty.


3. Connect Your Accounts

You have more to manage for your event than selling tickets. You have inventory, staff, reservations, marketing systems, the list goes on. This means you’re managing separate tools and systems for each of these functions. Not only is that a hassle, but your’e duplicating your efforts while losing out on critical insight.

We at Vēmos allow you to connect all your accounts together in one dashboard. It’s why we exist. So not only are you selling tickets to your event, but you can handle all other areas in this one system. Information flows seamlessly between your services automatically so you never have to re-enter or duplicate information in each account.


4. Collect Money Right Away

Most ticketing companies hold your money until after the event to cut you a check, which means your revenue is tied up while your expenses continue. Make sure your ticketing provider works with you and your bank account so payments go directly into your account as soon as a transaction is made. This way, you earn your revenue leading up to your event rather than making up for your expenses weeks after.


5. Own Your Data

When your guests are redirected to third-party sites, and when your event information lies in multiple accounts, you’re unable to track all your data points. In fact, you don’t actually own that data. Technically, the ticketing provider owns it and they’re going to use it to target your customers for competing events.

Put the power back in your hands. Use a ticketing provider that’s not profiting off your customers, but instead exists to serve all aspects of your night to make you as successful as possible.