People come to your venue for your party. People return to your venue based on that party’s experience. And that experience is heavily dependent on having the right crowd. But getting the right crowd is easier said than done since there’s no one true formula to ensure the right balance. Creating the right mix is a challenge that requires continuous effort and having the right promoters, hosts, and influencers.


Fortunately, there are some tools available to help you bring in the right crowd and achieve the right balance. Here’s how you can track your venue’s performance to make sure your promoters are bringing in the best people.


1. Put the right tools in place

Technology has grown tenfold in this industry over the years, and it’s time to adopt it into your venue. There are platforms that integrate all areas of your venue into one centralized spot so you can get an accurate understanding of how you’re performing.

Look for a system like BookBottles that houses and connects guestlists, reservations, general admission, and event sales together while syncing it all with a customer relationship management (CRM) system. This type of platform automates the work and requires minimal effort on your staff, and will provide you with information for any given time frame you choose to look at, including:

•  Number of guys and girls that walk through your door
•  Number of guestlist parties that arrived
•  Number of table reservations fulfilled and the amount spent per reservation

You will also get in-depth information about any guest through his/her profile, such as the nights they typically attend, past reservations, past liquor purchases, and money spent to-date. This is all valuable information  about your guests and will help you understand how to better market to get the best crowd in your venue night after night.


2. Incentivize staff

The above technology also tracks referrers, so you’re able to see which members of your staff – including promoters – are bringing in not only the most guests, but also the best types of guests. With this information, you’re able to incentivize employees based on performance, and can even better decide who is and isn’t right for your staff.


3. Improve marketing efforts

Because your CRM system tracks important customer activity, you’re able to send more targeted, personal and relevant messages to individual guests. This means you’re able to use filters to segment your customers into specific targeted audiences, which in turn means each audience gets messages that are 100% relevant to their habits. That’s powerful marketing, and that’s what continues to drive the right guests into your venue.


While technology will significantly improve your efforts in creating the right audience, you also have to put the right team in place. A mix of good promoters, door staff, and hosts who are using the right technological tools will streamline your guests’ experience to propel your client return rate and your revenue.