We’re always hard at work to provide you with features that help improve your business. This past month was all about identifying and developing better ways for you to get deeper insights on your guests.


Understand Average Age of Your Guests

When you use Vēmos, you’re able to collect important guest information, including birthdate. We’ve now added a few data points in your Analytics > Events dashboard. You’ll see at the top a new box to show the median age of event attendees. You’ll also see a new column graph showing guests by age range who attended your event.


Track General Admission Guests by Price and Promotion

General admission guests are the hardest to track and understand. This is a mission of ours to solve, and in the meantime we’ve launched some graphs in analytics to help you better understand what’s bringing in these guests. Under Events > Analytics and Venue > Analytics, you’ll see a graph titled “GA Transactions by Price & Promotions.” This automatically displays which promotions are being used at GA along with the price point each GA guest is paying. Use this to understand what is and isn’t working to bring walk-up guests to your venue.


Other Fixes and Improvements

In addition to these graphs, we also made several general fixes and minor improvements. When adding an event, you’re able to immediately add tickets to your event. We’re also working on making our events dashboard more intuitive, along with fixing a few minor improvements to displaying data in our analytics section. And a new iOS app was released earlier this month with improvements and fixes.


We’re continuously searching for and squishing bugs around here so you always have the best experience. If you ever have any issues, let us know and we’ll solve it ASAP.