There’s no doubt that mobile has taken over consumers’ lives. According to marketing industry experts:

•  91% of adults have their mobile phone within arm’s reach 24/7
•  Brands using text to reach customers connect with 95% of all smartphone and non-smartphone users
•  90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of being delivered
•  16% of smartphone users made a purchase because of a marketing message received on their phone


These statistics are important for you and your nightclub to understand. Mobile is where your customers are and using text-message marketing is the easiest way to reach them directly. And with the right customer relationship management (CRM) system, you can send more targeted, personal, and relevant messages to individual customers. Here’s how:


1. Find a CRM system that tracks important customer activity, such as when they come to your club, how much they spend, what they drink, and how many people they bring with them.
2. Use a text-messaging system – ideally one that’s connected to your CRM system – that uses filters to segment your customers into specific targeted audiences.
3. Craft relevant messages for each audience, including specials, new menu items, secret drink menus, special music events, or any other promotion that will get users to keep coming back. Hint: use past user habits to craft specific and personal messages.
4. Make sure you follow text-message marketing regulations, such as sending messages only to those that have opted-in or have personally provided their contact information, including a respond-to number, and having a clear way for users to unsubscribe.

The more specific you are when segmenting your audience, the stronger your text-message marketing will be. The below infographic by Mogreet shows the benefits:


Define your audience, segment accordingly, and send relevant messages through their most-used communication method. You’ll get a better response rate and more loyal customers.


Whitney Johnson is the global director of marketing for BookBottles. Contact her at